Louise Hossack, born Dec. 21, 1843, married Wm. W. Calkins, Jan. 25, 1865. He was born May 29, 1842 and died July 9, 1914. Louise died in Chicago, Sept. 23, 1918, age 75 yrs. Their married life was 49 yrs. Both were buried at Ottawa, Illinois.
Late photos of "Aunt Lu" (thanks to Marj Weir)
He was a renowned naturalist with published works on the flora and fauna of the Chicago area. His ten bound volumes of collected lichens and research is on deposit with the Chicago Academy of Sciences, and his lichenography is internationally recognized and studied today. Aunt Lu's hubby gets more
interesting by the day. An e-mail from Kevin Cummings of the Illinois
Natural History Survey indicates that W.W. Calkins was influential in the field
of conchology with a significant collection and an impressive list of
publications to his credit. You can find the page with its bibliography
http://www.inhs.uiuc.edu/~ksc/Malacologists/CalkinsW.W.html The MIDI file of "Tramp Tramp Tramp" is used by permission of Benjamin Robert Tubb from his website at Public Domain Music http://www.pdmusic.org