John Hossack: Abolitionist, Underground Railway Railroad Conductor and Station Master, Canal Builder, Merchant, Fugitive Slave Law Violator, Spark for the Civil War.



John Hossack of Ottawa, Illinois.  Abolitionist, Underground Railway Conductor, Canal Builder.  Grain and Lumber Merchant.  Crusader for Human Rights and Liberty.  Man of God.  He feared God and loved his Fellow Man.



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Here are some of the Pictures of Jay Preston's visit to Scotland and Duffus.

Bridges shining with Alpenglow on the way north to Scotland.  This is Berwick, the last English outpost on the North Sea before Scotland.

Duffus Castle ruins.

Duffus limit sign near the "new" church (built 1864).

The "new" church.

Post Office and general store.  The oldest building in the village.

The oldest houses in the Village.

The lane leading to the old church.

The descriptive sign at the old church.

The old church was constructed in the eleventh century.  This may have been the church where John Hossack was christened.

Interior of the old church.

The ancient vault of the old church, with the gothic structure in evidence.

The old church yard.  No Hossacks were here.  Apparently they moved inland for farming and left for America before anyone could be buried here.

This may be the grave of John Hossack's maternal grandfather.  George Forsyth died in 1835.  He had a trade as a shoemaker, hence he would not have been displaced by the clearances.  George has been a name in the Hossack family.

Preston bids farewell to Duffus by mounting the wall using this rustic stile.


Some Scottish Scenery on the Trip Back to London.



An original stone railroad viaduct and through truss bridge.

An old Scottish neighborhood.

Scottish green and the North Sea with grazing sheep.

More of the beautiful Scottish weather.

Bridge over the Firth of Forth.

Edinburgh Castle from the train.

A clock tower near the train station in Edinburgh.

Sunset over the North Sea.  Farewell, for now, to Scotland.

This website is produced by Jay W. Preston to honor John Hossack, the Abolitionist of Ottawa, Illinois.  The father dedicates this to his son, Yujin Jay Preston (1979-1999), daughter Elika, and daughter Yuli, great great great grandchildren of John Hossack. Permission to reprint this material is granted when this notice is included in full.  © 2000 - 2010 Jay W. Preston.  For information, comments or contributions of time, money, information, materials, or manpower to this site: E-mail Copyrights of works cited, quoted, or excerpted remain with the respective owners, if not in public domain.