Latest and Greatest of Hossack Home: Here's how "The Columns" looks in May, 2007:
For the photographs, drawings, and data documenting the application for Historic Registry,
"The Columns" John Hossack's Home "The Columns" is the Greek Revival manor house that was built by John Hossack to be the family home. It has been named as a historic structure by the federal government. It is currently owned by Tom Godfrey, who inherited it from the his grandfather Phillip, who bought it from the Scotts who inherited it from John and Martha Hossack. The home has been in just these two families since it was built. The "Columns" from the south circa 1870 Seen from Ottawa across the Illinois River: Interior Parlor. Five Hossack Ladies circa 1892. From left: Emma, Annie, Louise, Mother Hossack and Margaret. This is probably mourning for Belle (in portrait): "The Columns" northwest corner showing distinctive collonade that overlooks the river. Taken by Jay Preston in 1994. "The Columns" southwest corner showing front on Prospect Ave.
"The Columns" southeast corner from Prospect Ave. Interior Stairway and upstairs hall, 2002: Looking northwest in living room-parlor: Looking at Ottawa through the columns: Looking South from the south balcony: "The Columns" as it looks in November, 2002: The MIDI file of "My Prairie Home" is used by permission of Benjamin Robert Tubb from his website at Public Domain Music http://www.pdmusic.org |