Henry (Harry) Lens Hossack, born April 27, 1842, married Medora Tuttle, June 27, 1866. She died in 1901 and was buried at Ottawa, Ill. He married Alice Jennings in 1903. She was born Oct. 24, 1865 and was still living in 1939. Henry died in Pasadena, May 20, 1936, age 94 yrs. and was buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery, Glendale, California. Harry and Medora bore three children.
Harry served during the Civil War, having raised a company of volunteers that served guard duty in Kansas and Missouri. Harry was the heir to the John Hossack businesses of lumber and grain forwarding. He also had a part in the development of Ottawa across the Fox River to the east. During his youth, Harry participated in the underground railroad.
The MIDI file of "Fairy Belle" is used by permission of Benjamin Robert Tubb from his website at Public Domain Music http://www.pdmusic.org |