Frederick Newton Hossack, born Jan. 8, 1856, married Myra Ella Babcock, Oct. 27, 1881. She was born April 25, 1860. They celebrated their Golden Wedding in 1931 by a reception given them by their sister, Mrs. John E. Scott at Pasadena. They were the only couple out of the eleven children who could celebrate their Golden Wedding, although three other couples came within a year of it. Fred and Myra had four children.
Judging from the photos, Fred was something of a non-conforming dandy. He later became a prosperous insurance man in Los Angeles. Fred has been the family historian. His album has been a source of many of the photographs that have graced these pages. Fred wrote the poem, "To the Descendants of John Hossack." Fred also wrote the Genealogy. Left to right: Fred's nephew, John W. Scott with his mother, Emma; Fred Hossack with Myra at 50th anniversary in 1931.
The MIDI file of "Little Ella" is used by permission of Benjamin Robert Tubb from his website at Public Domain Music http://www.pdmusic.org |